
Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

It’s all about a magic word : Assessment

                In this reflection journal, I wrote about the last activities of PETA. Actually the topic on that day was all about assessment. In the opening Miss Ine gave us some pieces of blank paper and then she asked us to draw our emoticon on that paper after she told us a magic word. The magic word was “test”. Knowing that word made me confuse and I drew a sad emoticon to represented my emotion trough that word.
                In the next activity, she divided us into some groups and asked us to discuss about some questions that had been provided by her. It’s again all about assessment, but there were some questions that asked about the assessment of PETA subject. Some of us gave comments about it. Actually the assessments of PETA subject were quite effective for us especially to improve our writing skills, but in my opinion these assessments were too much for us.
                As a teacher candidate I realize that whatever the subjects or materials that we teach to our students someday, we have to finish it all by assessment. It means that we have to prepare ourselves to design a good assessment which is not only assess our students capability but also consider their  needs and wants. 

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Model of Instructions

In this additional journal, I have to encourage my understanding about four kinds of model of instructions. According to what I have learnt in PETA there are some characteristic of each models. In the following table, I will show some the differences in each model.
I.    Guided Discovery
Guide student to increase their motivation in learning
Student is require to be autonomous in learning
1.    Introduction the lesson
2.    Give the main topic to the student
3.    Students have to explore their ability to master in current topic by themselves
4.    Teacher makes sure student understanding through giving question
5.    Closing
1.    Increase student motivation to be autonomous in learning
2.    Students become active student
1.    This model is very depends on motivation of student.
2.    Sometimes student get confuse about their own understanding because there is a little bit instruction from the teacher
II.    Lecturing Discussion
Teacher talking time is dominate in the class
Able to giving a question during the teacher’s presentation or explaining
1.    Introduction and review
2.    Explaining the material
3.    Comprehension monitoring (checking student’s understanding during the explanation)
4.    Integration (giving practice, bring a common issue)
5.    Closing
1.    Student have to prepare their selves before the course begins
2.    Teacher is easier to makes sure student understanding about the current topic
1.    Interaction student-student is unexplored in this model
2.    This model too focus in cognitive orientation
III.    Direct Instructions
The major information provider
Follow the roles that teacher has made
1.    Introduction and review
2.    Developing understanding (questioning and answering session)
3.    Guided practice
4.    Independent practice
5.    Closing

1.    During a lot of practice, teacher expose student’s understanding
2.    Student easier to do activity because the roles provided by teacher

1.    Student becomes passive because teacher talking time too much
2.    Too cognitive orientation
IV.    Group Interaction
Teachers have to give clear instruction to their student about work in group
Students have to be active and have their own responsibility in group
1.    Introduction the lesson
2.    Talk about the issue that student have to discuss in classroom
3.    Group activity
4.    Closing
1.    Active learning is applying
2.    There is interaction between student-student
1.    So hard to control individual responsibility
2.    Wasting a lot time