
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

A joyful in teaching and learning process-jajang fauzan m

              The Learning process for some the students are boring. The students feel bored and sleepy when they are getting the course in the classroom. If the students do not have any high motivations and passion, they will ignore the course, even though they will sleep during the learning process. On the other hand, teaching and learning process is a beautiful and joyful thing.  It can be happened due to the teacher strategies in teaching and learning process. When the teacher teaches the students, he does not focus on one way method and he also has interesting methods. Those will make the students comfortable in following learning process. They will get spirit in getting knowledge from the teacher.
Now, I know about the four of instructional models in teaching and learning process. Those are direct instruction, lecture discussion, guided discovery and group interactional methods. By knowing them, I can understand what I have to do when I want to teach the students. It will not make the students getting bored anymore and teaching and learning process will be more a joyful thing.
I think all of those interactional methods are important. The teacher should apply the methods in the teaching and learning process. The teacher also have to realize that his teaching way influenced by social and cultural context. It can see in the differences of the student’s tribes, characteristics, and the languages. So that is why teacher have to own those methods.
By using those kinds of the instructional models, teaching and learning process will be more effective and efficient. I also have to pay attention to the objective and indicators of the topics. I have to do as what the objective and indicators rules. After I look at the objectives and the indicators of the topics, then I can decide what instructional models that I have to use appropriately. In this third meeting, I hope I can not only understand on the four of instructional method, but also I can apply those methods well. Overall, I like this meeting and I am looking forward for the next meeting.

2 komentar:

RISMA A. mengatakan...

yes.. I agree.. we also can use those method secara bergantian :) after LD maybe we can use GD.. So there's variations in our method and to avoid students boredom. but we still should see the situations happen

Arie Septhi Irdianty mengatakan...

jajang, I think the writing is so small. it's hard to read it

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