
Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

The Instruction Model

In teaching we always use the teaching instruction to give instructions which appropriate with the lesson to our students. As a teacher we can’t give the instructions randomly. We have to have a purpose behind our instructions. So that’s why I’m as a teacher candidate has to know about kind of teaching instructions.
            First is The Direct-Instruction Model is model of instruction that have the reviewing of previous learning, presenting material clear and in logical steps, teacher as a guide while practice with students, teacher gives feedback correctively, providing independent practice, and reviewing to consolidate learning. I think this method has balance characteristic because students will guide by the teacher when they do the practice but after that students have to do the exercise by themselves or individual practice. The presenting materials in this model also have to be presented step by step clearly. So students can understand each step and finally they can do their exercise by themselves.
            The second is Group Interaction Model is model of instruction which apply group work to the students to do the exercise. In group instruction model students will have face to face interaction with their friends, and they have to discuss with their partners to reach the group’s goals. Students also are expected to have individual accountability after they learn about the lesson with their group. In this model students are also expected to have good collaborative skills and they can do reflection about how their group has worked.
            Next is Lecture Discussion Model. In this model lecture is instructions which students get orally from the teacher. This model has phases like introductions where teacher have to attracts attention and tell the students about the activity background of the knowledge. Then is presentation where teacher start to explain the students about the material the next is comprehension monitoring, in this time teacher will give questions to the students to measure or check students understanding about the materials. Then is integration, review and closure.
            The last model is Guided Discovery. It’s a model of instruction which involves teachers’ scaffolding and students’ constructions of concepts and the relationship among them. (Eggen & Kauchak, 2006; R. Mayer, 2008). The guided discovery has five phases. There are introduction and review, the open-ended phase, the convergent phase, closure and applications. In this model teacher spend less time to explain and more times to ask questions about students understanding. So student have more opportunities to ask what they have not understood yet.
            Those are the model of instruction in teaching. For me the most effective model among those all is group interaction model because this group is the most balance model. Students will have communication with their peers to do the exercise together and at the same time they also have interaction with the teacher when they get the materials. In this model students not only can understand the materials but also can know the other perspective from the other group members and can share to each other, but in the end they also can solve the problem about the materials by themselves.
            So, what model that you will choose guys? Or maybe you will create your own model in give instruction? You can because remember “there is nothing absolute in this world”. J

3 komentar:

Catatan mengatakan...

Brili, what do you think if I have idea that guided discovery is the best of those models?
I think, in L-D the students will be creative less students ..
wanted to know your answer .. he

check mine at

RISMA A. mengatakan...

may I response ur comment, ikin? :D

I think Guided Discussion still have weakness.. bcs it cant work without teacher. Students still depend on the teacher. If no teacher there, then how? It cant be student-student..bcs each of it has the same average level of understanding (I mean, not really same)
alright? ;))

syaqifa mengatakan...

yeah risma, i agree with you.. like Mr Teguh said that the main factor in learning and teaching process is teacher.

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